now, i don't mind the heat so much, unless it gets really humid, and i wouldn't even mind the humidity all that much, untill it gets really hot... and that's what it is here... really humid, and really hot
the day before yesterday was one of those days where it is so humid and so hot, i wanted to peel off my skin and sit around bone naked... ok that's gross... but i swear, even fully naked felt overdressed...
so anyway, here we were, in a 3-level house with only 2 small window ac fans (that don't work half as good as the ones in the sac-town duplex's), and i'm downstairs, in the basement, which is usually the coolest room, and i'm sweating profusely, (and i hadn't even moved to change the channel in about 10 minutes -it was that hot)and i start to smell this weird chemical that was begining to make my lungs hurt...(i'm really sensitive to chemicals, even without being in a room where the air is barely moving let alone nowhere near fresh)... I start freaking out and ask ed to figure out what it is...
my dad had decided to spray this silicone? stuff in the frame of the sliding glass door and the button on the microwave door "because they were sticking" ?!!?!!***
don't worry dad, i have forgiven you, it's just all part of the story***
i had asked ed to find out if it was safe, but he brings me the bottle and i read, sure enough, "use in well ventilated area... do not breathe in vapors" (and they call me crazy and over-dramatic... i mean, there are kids in the house!! and he (my dad) has asthama -no wonder- but
shame on me for being concerned!)
anyway, so after them opening the doors to "air it out", making it even more 'hotter than i thought possible', i opted to take the kids out for ice cream...
anyone care to join us?
my dad had plans and my mom was on the way home... i called her to see if she wanted to meet us but she was already almost home, and we needed the car seat out of her car so we waited... and she almost didn't want to go, till she did get there, was overwhelmed by the smell and the heat and the idea of eating dinner at the supermarket suddenly sounded like a great one...
so... we never did get ice cream, but we did have a wonderful seseme chicken salad, and buy about a million groceries (out of sheer boredom mixed with an intense love for air conditioning- that's my reasoning)... and i guess you could say we had fun... Lizzy can be quite entertaining at the store... she loves to "help" push the cart... if i were walking toward you you might not see the little munchkin inbetween my legs and just think i was either severely bow-legged or semi handicapped with the way i'm walking to avoid tripping over her....
anyway... on with the story(s)... on our way home (we went reluctantly) we made a few stops which brought us into official nighttime with a lovely strobe light darkness... that's right, you guessed it- LIGHTNING!!!! (ok maybe you didn't guess.. but that was what brought the strobe light effect...) as we watched the miraculous light display in the sky we carried on a heated discussion on what the difference is between regular lightning and heat lightning... does anyone know?
well here's what we came up with:
1. heat lightning will not have the loud booming thunder accompanying the
regular (for lack of a better term) lightning...
2. while bolts may appear, they never touch the earth, nor are they as prominent as in regular lightning...
3.heat lightning is mainly continuous flashes of light all over the sky, usually behind clouds, creating more of a cloud formation display than a thunderous bolts display, and are a lot more repititious...
well, regardless, it still looked really cool, even though i prefer the bolts, and i really wish i could've gotten a picture somehow (though even if i did, i couldn't have uploaded without the usb cable-stupid me) but my batteries needed charging... and while we were waiting for those, i was showing my mom the all too adorable video
"Eowyn's moves" and our power goes out!!!
and then comes right back on again before we find the flashlights
and then goes off agian before we think how smart it would've been to keep looking anyway...
and off it stayed...
pitch blackness inside and strobe light sky outside, till we found flashlights and candles... and then untill 4:33 am.... i know beacause i couldn't sleep and decided to watch a movie on our labtop (which was fully charged -gotta love technology-) after everyone else went to bed like sore sports... well i guess i shouldn't pick on my mom, cuz she had to get up in the morning... and my husband should sleep so he can wake up early and go get a job... and my dad.. well he's the lucky one who contentedly did what he does every night... read... except by candlelight-no big difference really-... i teased him for his convenient non dependance on modern conveniences, like electricity... without which i couldn't watch tv, or cook, or sew or surf the net, or blog, or even take a shower, because of the electric water pump, which i might not have otherwise known about...
but i was sooo happy when i remembered my labtop... which has been somewhat neglected these days due to lack of wireless service...(a long story i won't bore you with)
the other highlights of the night were opening all the doors and windows to let in the intense breeze from outside, which felt so wonderful untill ed's joke, and we realized that he wasn't joking the wind did in fact knock a tree down in our front yard!(*another picture i wish i could've taken to show you) and then it became scarry as we heard limbs and branches being ripped off trees all over the neighborhood...
*but don't worry, it was a small one, and is now upright again, being held so by a crutch, you know the one's people use when their leg is broken), which i'm thinking might make a more interesting photo... except it will probably look as if the crutch is leaning against the tree, rather than the other way around...
anyhoo... besides all the mosquitoes that got a wild feast that night (us), the good news was that the next day it was wayyyyy cooler, and not at all humid (apparently that's what happens in the midwest, the humidity builds, till it rains, then it's really nice, till the moisture and heat build again bringin another storm, and so on...)
it was sooo nice outside that we decided to go to the park...
where we ran in to...(if at this point you're wondering 'does this post ever end?', i promise you, we're almost there)Cliff of all people!! which i guess isn't too weird, i mean he does live here, and eddie was playing the djembe, which very few people in this town do, if any, and naturally cliff had to wonder who the heck was in the park and came to find us!!!... and our 2 kids!!! i would've guessed him to be as shocked as us, having not seen either of us since we were married, maybe longer, but apparently he had been
praying to find us, well ed mostly, since he'd heard we were in town...
which brings me to my final point... ever since jack (cliff's younger brother)died,*to read about that, click
here * things have been really hard... especially for josh, jack's twin brother... I guess he's tried to kill himself recently, and his girlfriend just o.d.'ed last night... she lived, but i'm really worried... Josh was always the one we swore would be fine out of all of them, and possibly showed the most interest in God and the bible... maybe cliff a little more so, it's hard to say... cliff is still what could be considered a backslider, though he may be closer now than ever... to God that is... but only God knows...
anyway... please, if any of you think to, pray for these guys-
for true repentance to be granted to both of them, salvation.. all that stuff... that they would really come to know the love and grace of our Maker...
it's funny how zealous i can feel with things like this... i mean i probably need a lot of God myself, i guess we all do... but i've been going through a lot, and questioning everything, and even doubting some things, and really wondering what is up and stuff... but then, something or some one like this comes along and it all seems to make so much sense... my life, my purpose, God, the state of the world...
anyway... love you
peace and joy and grace in Him