Tuesday, October 17, 2006

what have i to say for my self?

not much really...
i've been blogging a little on "myspace".. and maybe i will post some here...
i have been admittedly depressed lately, and am considering medications... i can't base my happiness on others' and their inability to readmy mind... so.. i am trying alternatives...
we shall see..
i thank you all for your love and prayers, and want you to know that i am with my family, and i am working through some of my own issues, in the process of trying to not focus so much on someone else's issues... it will be a long hard road, but God, fortuantely, is on my side...
thanks again...
peace and blessings to all in Him


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how fast reality can change b/c of someone else.

10:43 AM  

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