Tuesday, October 10, 2006

shaken and stirred

well life really is strange
and it seems to me that most people don't really know how to love, though most of us want to, or at least we say we do...

the more i think about it the more i see that (forgive me if this is obvious) love is more of a sacrifice than a good feeling... it seems people want to do the thing that feels good, or makes someone else 'happy', but is that love? maybe not in all circumstances... maybe sometimes the truly loving thing to do, might actually look more hurtful than not...

i heard once that to 'bless' someone litterally meant to bleed for them. this would imply that it is not just 'giving a good thing', but that it costs you something more than just the gift, that the actual giving of it is painful. by considering your self less... being willing to hurt for an other's benefit.

in the bible, Paul gives a description of love, that most of, if we're honest, can easily see we fail at.
Love is patient, love is kind... nver boastful, never rude.. never seeks its own, never rejoices in evil or keep record of wrongs... hopes all things, trusts all things... endures all things... why is it so hard? what is it in us that makes us struggle with the most basic necessity of life?

C. S. Lewis noted an interesting thing, why is it that when we are mean we blame it on being tired or hungry, why doesn't fasting make us more, kind more gentle, rather than irritble and tense...

whats inside comes out i guess, like the water in a glass... dirty or pure, if you shake the glass, the water will come out


Blogger Lisa said...

Good thoughts Renee. It is true. When I'm honest with myself I see that I don't want to do this real love business. I only want to be on the receiving end! But to give of myself? No thanks. But I guess that is my flesh because then there is this little part that really does want to love and starts everyday with a prayer "Lord help me love my husband and daughter today." Only by God's grace am I able to give anything for a reason other than my own benefit.

2:07 PM  
Blogger devon said...

Renee, this IS hard, and i guess i could hardly begin to cover what i think about it here. But thanks for giving me some food for thought. I hope we get to talking soon.

2:30 PM  

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