Sunday, September 10, 2006

haha, a taste of her own medicine...

except i don't know that that's the right cliche'
oh well

it still felt at least a little good to hear Adora say 'no' to GRAMMY'S request for kisses (for once)... she's maybe done it a total of 3 times now, and i am starting to feel just a tad bit guilty with how i almost enjoy it.

i always wanted my kids to love their grandparents, it just never ocured to me that they would PREFER them...

and i have to fight the belief that my mom is only all too smug about it all, so to hear her say she now knows how i feel, and was saddened, i felt like it was only fair... at least for her to see that it really does hurt me, and for her to not just get defensive with me but actually sympathise... it was nice...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now she has the audascity to ask for "Poppy". But you should see him beam when she walks over and says "Uppy".

9:26 PM  

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