Wednesday, August 23, 2006

filling in the gaps...

there is sooo much to say...

1. we came out here with a plan... to help my parents sort, sell, pack, and move their stuff and get their house ready to sell and them ready to move to california with us.
*several things must happen first, besides the sorting and packing;

a, my mom needs to put in her retirement notice
b, my dad needs to get his disability approved, (a very long process he's 8 months in to...)
c, the house needs to actually sell...

2. in the meantime... things got... a little... hard...
a,we left california in a little bit of a rush... lets just say no sane person would have done it the way we did, but, we really didn't have much choice...
b, because of this, we found ourselves in the deepest debt we known yet, and a million things undone.. things you just don't leave undone, like car registration, drivers liscence renewals, immunizations...(i know it's not much of a nessecity to some, and that's fine, but it is to me..)... anyway there are other things.. nevermind them though...
c, whatever little money we did have was gone, and we were begining to owe my parents,

after 2 weeks of eddie looking for and not finding work, when a position at my moms work opened up, naturally, i took it...

in a lot of ways it is the perfect job for me, even if in ideal, it is farthest from... desperate times do call for desperate measures i'm afraid...

what do i do exactly?

well... i guess it's office work..i am one of those weird people that actually likes office work... go figure...

i like working with numbers, and writing stuff down, and typing, (as long as i don't have to do it very fast or properly)... i can be very correct when need be, and am in fact a perfectionist most of the time... when i want to be.. (by the way, i purposefully don't capitolize my i's...-though i do occasionally do it absentmindedly- i think it's weird.. we don't capitolize she or he -unless talking about God,- and so if i capitolize God and He when refering to Him, why should i capitolize i? am i equal to God? not even hardly)... but that was a quite a tangent.. sorry...

back to my job.. for those who seem to want to know...

i'm sure it would easily be considered by many as the most tedious, repetitve, boring job in the world, not to mention it's for a big corporation, who makes and sells tools, and the section i work in sells tools to the government, and a lot of it is for the military and navy and army, and i think there are probably a million reasons why i should hate it, and i sort of do on some level.. but more i hate our society.. for making it so hard for families.. for forcing people into lower to middle class, and how lotts of these bad companies that should go out of business if we ever want to save this planet, happen to be the sole livelihood of countless many working class citexens, with children to feed and so on and so forth...

when i think about it in that light, i just have to say, well? what can i do really?

sit around and wait for money of food to fall from the sky.. or try, in whatever way i can, to keep all our heads above water...

anyway... all that to say, as odd as it is, and as regretfully as i say it, i do like my job.. it's something i can do, and am good at, and am helping people, sort of, (the group is in a bit of a stressful situaton right now, not something i'm gonna talk about, but what i do is go and sort out and correct all the problems in the computer entered orders, and though it may be a far stretch to make my life seem meaningful, i feel like it is good, for the health of those in this group, to know that at least this one more thing ids being taken care of, and tey're all freed up to try and fix some of the other many problems...

bla bla bla..

i might even start entering orders that people call in over the phone...

i'm kind of nervous about that.. i'm not good with social graces sometimes.. depends on the situation...

one of the women in a cubicle near me is sooo funny and good with the customers and the sales reps, who can be really pushy and are creating a lot of problem by talking the clerks in to doing things thet're really not supposed to do because of the contract made and again... bla bla bla bla bla...

i didn't talk about any of this cuz i figured it was way too boring, so, if it is that, i am sorry.. just people seemed to want to know, and i totally don't mind...

i wish i had more time to write though...

i've had a lot of really good stories going on in my brain.. but don't know how they'll sound once their out and on the screen...


i'm gonna go downstairs and upload some pictures from my dads computer that he took of the kids on his computer,,, they'll be on their blog... there's a link to the right if you didn't know...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I think it's great having you around. I'm so proud of you. Who'd ever thought you'd be working in an office? You never cease to amaze me. But a couple of years ago when I found out how much you liked working with numbers, I was so glad this opportunity opened up and you were available. I love having you here. Even though it gets stressful and hectic a times, it's so great to have a daughter and a friend around.

8:33 PM  

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