Thursday, June 01, 2006


I forgot that there is a default mode that is automatically set up when you start a new blog that only allows other bloggers to comment on your blog.. you have to go and change the settings if you want to enable 'anyone' to post comments... er dee der... sorry 'bout that...
well problem solved... all lizzy and lolo fans can comment away, blogger or no...

(note to mom... no it wasn't my way of getting you to start a blog, though the idea had crossed my mind, one had nothing to do with the other...)

well it's late, so i will go to bed, rather than tell stories about Lizzy's new passtimes of 'hide sissy's binky', or 'hide mommies phone', or 'call daddy mama a hundered times even though he ignores me'
no... i won't tell stories... but i will tell you that there's a few more pictures on their site if you want to check out... still in comparison theme...
i lost our usb chord so i can't upload any of the newest pics for a while... hope to find soon though cuz i got some good ones..
ok goodnight...


Blogger devon said...

Where the heck is that cord???

6:13 PM  
Blogger Rae said...

Oh the adventures of eddie and renee's usb cord. That darn cord, where has it run off to now?

8:32 AM  

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