Tuesday, May 23, 2006

most of our friends, if not all, can't believe my husband and i sleep in a tiny twin sized bed... both of us... at the same time...
and we are quite often teased about it...

but it feels as big as the ocean, ready to swallow me up, whenever he's gone


Blogger Unknown said...

That's so sweet, and sad. Sometimes I wish I could spread out all over my bed, but then I get sad thinking of sleeping alone. But now I have to share our bed with that giant pregancy pillow, which I am jealous of because Megan snuggles it tighter than me. I've been trying to send you this, so i hope you didn't read it already. And no, I'm not making fun of your diets at all, just making a joke about guy-dieting. Just a male's perspective on the whole topic, for fun.

11:48 AM  
Blogger 1weirdgirl said...

well it was funny either way... and the pillow thing had me chuckling too.. i'm still laughing... thanks marc..

12:14 PM  

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