Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My Funny Girl...

Have you ever met a dog that likes to throw a ball to itself all over the yard? Well Adora is a lot like that. Except with her, instead of it really being this elaborate dance meant to entice you into playing with her or throwing her the ball, it's just her fun little game that she plays with herself. And don't you dare try to grab it, or she might scream or bite your head off... well, maybe that's only if your name is Sam, or you happen to be her height, or close, and she feels instinctively threatened by you... But even if you're not a fellow toddler, you still better not take too long to throw it back, and you sure as heck better not say, "all done with the ball-E, it's time to eat", or you're in for the fit of your life!

But if you just happen to be eating, and don't mind sharing what you eat, oh, then you are her best friend...
And if you're lucky, she'll come and bring you a book, and want to sit on your lap... but don't try reading the book to her... no no no... Books are for turning the pages, as fast as you can, and then throwing on the floor... and if you try to tell her that that's not what books are for, well, then she'll just start a book fast, untill she's pretty sure you've forgotten all about that silly rule, and start the whole trick all over again. And if you give her too much of your food, you know more than a bite or too, or once she gets the impression that you want her to eat it, she'll just start feeding it back to you and not really want any. But if you stop giving any to her she'll beg and beg for some, only to thrust her hand towards your mouth once she's got her fingers on it, cuz that's what the whole thing's all about don't you know... the sticking it in each others face...

She's terrified of the kleenex in your hand, but in hers it's the perfect thing to blow her nose in, or wipe the floor with or stick in her shirt... I think that started with me showing her there was a pocket on the front of one of her dresses... now all her shirts have become great storage bins.. till the thing falls right out and to the floor, bringing her right down with it into a puddle of tears...

She'll fling the fork right out of your hand, but it's the perfect thing to comb her hair wih if you're nice enough to hand it to her. Oh but it certainly isn't for eating... maybe she'll stick the food with it, but then it becomes a wonderful drumstick...

Cans are perfect for stacking in pillars in the middle of the kitchen floor

Shoes are for making neat lines, in an arc of course, all throughout the living room, sometimes even circles...

The table is really a chair, or a pedastool, or a box-stand.

The couches a jungle gym

The pantry a garden that she waters with her sippy cup that leaks

Pants go on her head... cause putting them on her feet is simply too much work

Mommy's legs are the chains to a swing, though a little big to clutch the same way, but if you rock your body just right, it feels just like a swing, she'll guarentee it...

If mommy's sitting down, well then her legs are a horsey, that must never tire

Daddy's dreads are the reigns of another horsey made up of his shoulders, and her legs will kick and kick to tell that horsey to "getty-on-up"

Cups are for balancing on your head... or attempting to till bitter frustration... again, my fault...

But she does have one thing right... binky's are for baby... and she'll point to it and say "baby", or somehow find it when you don't need it and come and hold it in your face "uh uh uh uh uh" more and more intensely, till you finally look, and then she'll say "baby", and want you to give it to the baby, and then she's happy as a clam and on her merry little way


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you're complaining????? I know you're not. I can just picture her and can only imagine what your day is like and that by the time she takes a nap, you're ready for one too.

9:59 AM  
Blogger 1weirdgirl said...

see that's the thing, it's not that she's a brat or mean, or rebellious so much, as she is tiring... she never stops, she's non stop energy... I love her to death and can't get enough of her, but she does wear me out, and is possibly the funniest, sweetest, and funnest girl I've ever met.

12:32 PM  

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