Thursday, March 16, 2006

good news, bad news...

the good:

we found our keys!!!

and got a new EBT card rather easily... oh joy, live off the government a little longer

and Ed had a job interview today that went rather well :-), he really wants a job where he is learning something rather than just some random job he could have anywhere making barely any money, and feel little reward from... this interview was at a wood working place where he would learn to make cabnitry and some furniture, something he's really wanted to learn for some time, so it'd be real cool for him to get the job... i hope he does... maybe then he could make Adora a little rocking chair! she would just love that...

the bad:

well not super bad actually, just

i still feel pretty terrible, but better i guess... i'm taking less pain killers anyway...

my boob is still red hot, litterally, bright red and burning hot

chloe' has almost totally given up on sleeping, or at least falling asleep on her own. She's become completely dependant on the boob... and i let her...bad mommy...

oh well though...
it's not too bad...
in fact there's more good news:

my friend steffany has been a huge blessing, i don't want to speak too soon, but she's already helped get so much done, my kitchen looks amazing, and she has such a great attitude, and loves to help, and her daughter is sooo cute...

we found our usb cable for our camara so i can upload photos from Tahoe... and not have to buy a new one

ed got a job offer in the city, one that pays big for a short time period... way cool, hope it all works out...

i am a little freaked out though about getting thrush... sugar is the hardest thing in the world for me to avoid...

oh but one more good thing,
i knew chloe was gaining some pretty good weight, but i found out how much today and could hardly believe it...
2 days after leaving the hospital she was 6 lbs 15 ozs, and now she's 9!!!! lbs and 3 ozs. is that incredible or what? what a porker!

ok she's ready to go back to bed so i guess i am too...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do not know me but I know Devon so I have heard of you. Anyway, I had a tip that my midwife gave me when I had Mastitis. You put cold cabage leaves on your breast. I know it is weird and a little personal for a stanger to tell you that but it really helped. You just peel off a leaf and it seems to fit perfectly and it really releived some of the pain for me and it is supposed to help it get better. Well, I hope you are better soon and congratulations on the beautiful new additon.

8:10 AM  
Blogger mommasara said...

Hey Nae
She's right- cabbage does relieve mblocked ducts. Be careful, though- i heard it can reduce your milk, if used too much. I think I read that on the internet. Just kidding. Oh, my kids couldn't fall asleep without nursing either. They were hooked

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you said boob....twice...that was cool

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keep counting and remembering the blessings and we'll keep praying. PLEASE......please send me a message when you upload your pictures. I need my daily fix.

9:45 PM  

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