Saturday, February 25, 2006

these days..

It can be hard to tell by a picture how big, or in this case small, something is, so I took this one to show the comparison.

She is soooo tiny!!!
I can't even imagine Adora was ever this small, and yet she was even smaller!

Strange what time does to our memories....
I'm glad for pictures in this regard, for at least I have proof that Adora was in fact a baby once...
But in my memory now, she will always be the big sister... She will always be remembered as bigger than our little Chloe...
And at the same time, she'll always be my baby, and my first baby... not better of course, just first...

(If I knew how, I might be able to upload a picture of Adora when she was this little, or if we ever find the chord to our printer we could scan one and upload it... But as it is, all my pictures before august 05 are on a website, that I can order prints from, but I'm not sure how to transfer from... Eddie says there's a way, so maybe he can figure it out... Anyway, in the meantime, if anyone wants some, let me know and I can email...)

Well...I am very happy to report that I am having a wonderful time with my little girls.. One cool thing for me is that the whole breastfeeding thing is going a whole lot smoother this time 'round, and we've been (or I guess I've been) totally pain free for a few days now!!! That is such a blessing I can't even hardly say!... With Adora it was over a month before it was even tolerable, which was one of the saddest things ever, cause I had so been looking forward to it... This time I was even a little scared of it since it was so rough... But thankfully it has been a very smooth process so far...

I think the only disappointing thing right now, is my poor girl, little Miss Thea Dora, is still sick, and it is quite a difficult thing really... She's so sensitive, and the last thing I want to do is make it hard for her to bond with her baby... She really is in love with her and wants to kiss her lots and lots and hug her and hold her... and what am I to do? Tell her no? That would break her little heart... The first thing she does in the morning after grammy gets her out of bed is to come find us and wish the baby a good morning with excited glee and adoration. She points, and says "beee" (baby )and then "uh uh uh" (up) with her arms out and hands opening and closing as if to grab, waiting for me to pull her into bed with us where she'll then lay down and pat her and kiss her... And she's so gentle... I'm actually surprised...We have never been able to fully teach her the difference between rough and gentle, it was always this hardy pat and quick pokes with other babies or friends doggies... Till Chloe... Adora just automatically got it.... Only once in her excitement did she come a little too quickly at her, and even then only startled her, never poked or hit her....

Anyway, as far as the sickness thing, it's been one thing after another and I just can't wait for it to be over...(JUST A WARNING-I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT POOP AND OTHER GROSS THINGS FOR A MINUTE) First she had the fever last Tuesday/Wednesday (valentine's day), and that lasted till Friday I think, and sometime around Wednesday or Thursday was the diarrhea, then after the fever broke came the terrible cough, then on Saturday, or Sunday, when I was still in the hospital, my mom noticed a terrible diaper rash, that has only continued to get worse, and when we had it checked out on Thursday they thought yeast was involved so they gave us nystatin to put on, then yesterday-Friday- she broke out in hives all over her back, butt, and legs, with crazy itching, and then today-Saturday- I took her in to the urgent care to get her checked out again, worried that the hives were a reaction to the nystatin, and not sure what to do. They gave benadryl, and I actually heard one say they've never seen a diaper rash so bad before... I mean it is really bad!... Well, they seem to think it is all from the cold or virus that is causing everything, the rash being mostly in reaction to the diarrhea, with maybe a little yeast, but not primarily a yeast rash, and even the hives they think is more from the virus then the cream, but they gave me a different one to be safe...

Anyway, she's such a good sport and has been a least acting herself lately,except when she pees or gets her diaper changed she goes into an hysteria it's so painful... But at least, most likely anyway, from what I hear, she's probably not contagious any more, but still, to be safe, they say limit her contact with the baby..... And I'm just so worried, because of everything she's going through already and then to tell her not to touch or hug or kiss the baby... But of course the last thing we want is for Chloe to get all this too... Especially her being so young... So....

I'm hoping my antibodies are enough for her, since both Eddie and I already got sick and over with it... But either way we'll just have to wait and see... Plus I don't want my mom to get sick on top of everything, then my dad and brother are coming too... It really could get pretty ugly or at least put a damper on everybody's visit...

Anyway, anyone with the heart to do so, please pray for us... It has been so trying and wearing to have all this extra worry and difficulty added on to what should simply be a joyous time, and luckily it still is really, I mean it can't help but be so, but still... It's certainly not easy.......


On a lighter note... I'm glad that when I was pregnant, to encourage Adora and get her used to the idea, I taught her to push her baby (doll) in the swing, and now that's one of her favorite things is to do with Chloe ... "Push the baby in the swing" we say and she runs over to do it... And she laughs and squeals, and it is absolutely delightful to watch....

At least, thankfully there has been plenty of good times... Again, all I can say is I am so thankful... I've never felt more blessed in all my life...


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