Friday, June 23, 2006

so... here we are...

(this is from a few-I have no idea how many- nights ago...)

Well, I'd tell the whole story (of us moving in and out and in and out again)... but I'm guessing most of you know it, even though you may have no idea how frightfully intense it was for me, despite my inablility to talk about it, or spontaneously combust like I was so often extremely tempted to do but never could quite get around to... and for the rest of you that don't know... well, I'm sorry, I just have no idea how to say it all in a nice and loving and friendly "I'm just fine sort of way", and even though I hold no grudges now, honestly, and I feel like it really is okay.. the truth is, I am just glad it is over... the decision is made...we are outta there... we are here, and not there, and not any where else...

here being some random town in utah (2 1/2hours out of the way, just so we could find a hotel since all the 20 hotels in the green river/ rock springs area is completely booked- save for one roomfor 130 dollars that we simply are not willing to pay... and those we are travelling with got the last campspot, which we wouldn't camp in anyway since we have no blankets or lights to set up our brand new tent in the dark....), but we are in a hotel... sorry motel, a tool shed compared to the room we had last night- a decently priced hotel, that was actually one of the roomiest I've ever been in-, and areon our way to Illinois, with the beloved rainbow gathering as our (hopefully) only detour allong the way...

I am overcome with about a million conflicting emotions about the general state of my life right now... but I have to say, they are mostly good... and to those who are concerned, my hubby is the best hubby in all the world...and in no way any harder to deal with than I am myself, and in more ways than I give him credit for, the kindest man I know... If anyone has trouble believing this statement I would like to refer them to some thoughts C.S.Lewis wrote on about how only God knows the heart and what it actually takes for an individual to give something, or refrain from something... and I don't want to totally butcher his words here, so I'll just say that I believe my husband does the best he can and is getting better everyday, and the feets he makes are equivelant to climimg Mt. Everst or something... I am proud of him and I love him and he is good to me...

So... now that that is out of the way... I will say good night again... there is no internet here, and I don't know when I will post... but I love you all and am grateful for your love and prayers, and even the offered, though unneeded, protection...


Blogger devon said...

Renee! Ed is good and i second your motion on that one. I think you are good, too. I'd love to see some thought ed has on you, because i think they'd be terrific and we'd all be crying at the first words. Have some fun out there and swim and laugh and kiss those babies that i miss so much already!

7:29 PM  

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