Wake Up And Have A Baby!!!
(the birth story...)
As I slept peacefully Friday night, that long awaited day grew nearer than I knew... God has shown me once again that I may make plans in my heart, but He alone directs my path... and who am I to say I know better than God?
Well I would've sworn I had it all figured out... I knew the doctor's were wrong when they said my due date was March 1st... but I was wrong to think I would deliver around the 25th... See I had it all planned in my mind.... with Adora I guessed the day exactly, and I was humble enough to think my prediction was just a guess, and I may be wrong this time, but I thought if anything the baby would be born later, not sooner...
So, as the plan went, my mom was to fly in the night of the 24th this coming friday, which would at most give her a day or 2 to get aquainted with our house and my routine. Me being the mama, I have specific ways that I do everything, that even Eddie has never had quite the knack to get to know... in fact I've never had anyone watch Adora for more than a couple hours at a time, and usually only when she's napping, and even then I have a huge list of do's and don'ts... Well thankfully my mom has been the lucky sitter more than anyone, and she's one of Adora's favorites, so I knew there would be little to no problems... only that she's only had Adora at her house and has never seen ours, so I just couldn't wait for her to come, and hoped she got enough time to get familiar with her surroundings before everything started happening and me and Eddie headed off to labor land...
Well as it happened, nobody had time for anything....
Sometime around 5am saturday morning, I woke up with my usual urge to pee in the middle of the night, and before I could get out of bed the 'pee"started to escape me.... "well this is odd" thought I.... and by the time I made it to the toilet, my pants were soaked.... now with Adora, my water never really broke...or at least no one noticed when it did, so I really had nothing to compare this too... I really thought I just couldn't hold my pee for some reason... Then, when I put on new pajamas, only to have them soaked again before I made it back to bed, I started to be concerned....
Eddie, overhearing my "what in the world?"'s asked what was happening, and me, standing in puddles in the dining room, right outside our bedroom replied, "well I really have no idea"... He then, in a panic, jumps out of bed and starts the questioning, to which my reply was all the same... no idea... "are you in labor?...are you allright?...did you just pee?... should we call the doctor?... can we wait till a better time?... can i go back to sleep?..."..... Well after some time of this and then looking stuff up on line, like can your water break without any contractions, (something I thought was impossible) and a few more puddles that missed the toilet, and me near freaking out... we opted for calling the labor and delivery room, who in turn told us we need to come in right away....
Now, as an explanation of my labor plans, I will say that I really wanted, on some level, another shot at an all natural birth.... but with little help in finding a MediCal funded midwife, and the lingering fear that short easy labors were not an option for me, (Adora being 44hours, and my grandma having 4 children all over 2 day labors) I had decided to go to the UC Davis Medical Center, feeling that at the very least I would get the most proffessional of care, and hopefully understanding support.
Our tour of the hospital left us with much to be desired, and next to no other opions, having at that time, what we thought was 4 weeks left... I just didn't want to worry about it, or spend any more time on the phone looking for other options, it had already taken me over a month to get in at UCDMC, and I was fine with settling. Eddie on the other hand thought for sure I'd end up with an insufficiently explained C-section, before we knew what hit us...
Well all that to say, saturday morning was a little...frustrating...both of us wondering what we had gotten ourselves into, and me just hoping Eddie could get over his mistrust and focus on helping me through it (which he did wonderfully by the way...)
Anyway, I suddenly realized, before leaving the house, how desperately unprepared I was...this was my week to "get ready"... my mom wasn't due in for another 6 days!!! I sincerely hoped we would go to the hospital and they would send us home with the official "false alarm" stamp, but I started to panic at the thought that I might actually be having a baby this weekend... So I called my mom...poor thing... at 8 in the morning her time, on a saterday.... After the 10th try she finally got up to answr the phone and see what all the fuss was about... "uh oh" she thought, seeing my numberon the caller ID.... "hello?" Half excited half scared...
me- "uh...mom....it may not be time, but you may want to try and see if you could come a little sooner...
"her- "why whats happening?"
"well I may have just forgotten how to hold my pee, or my water may have just broke"....
Ok- so long story short we made it into the hospital, after I frantically ate breakfast, packed a bag, and grabbed some baby clothes to wash, fed my husband, woke Adora, fed her, and piled us all in the car, by around 9:30 am...all the time eddie wondering if he could just take a nap, and what it is with me and middle of the night labors?... "Well" the doctor began " your water is definately broken.... are you feeling any contractions?" me replying..." so does this mean I can't go back home for a while?...."not today...."
.....well i felt some contractions, but very mild and very far apart... so I opted for pitocin, thinking I might as well speed this allong, we're gonna be here for a while... Eddie, goes and calls my mom who prepared to catch the next flight out... arriving 10:15 that night....
I started the pitocin around noon.... it was a hectic morning finding someone willing to watch Adora for who knows how long, and eddie bringing me snacks and such... I was starving, and they of course would not let me eat....I guessed I was probably better off since I threw up non stop with Adora...
By 3 my contractions were very intense and very close together...and by 4 or so I started to lose all hope when I was told I was only at 4 centimeters... this may have been seen as progress if they hadn't told me I was at 5 cm when I had first came in...
Anyway, I lost track of time, and at some point really felt I could not make it without the epidural... I am in no way as tough as I want to be, and the contractions, as far as I could tell were at least 4 times as strong as with Adora and doing just as little work... Eddie tried to encourage me, and on this side of things I can only wonder if I could have made it, if I would have only known I only had 3 or so hours left.... who knows... what I do know is I could no longer tell the contractions apart, it just seemed to keep increasing in pain and duration, and I could feel my body starting to lose ability to relax, and was working against the pain, rather than with it, I was tensing up more and more, and becoming more and more freaked out... I finally begged for the epidural, in squeaky, pathetic, little pleas between long loud deep moans and high pitched, blood curdling screams... One thing I'm sure of is every body else in the L&D ward was sure glad to have me shut up...
Of course, the epidural seemed to take FOREVER!!! and as I was trying my hardest to sit perfectly still as they place a needle in my back during the worst pain of my life, I can't help but wonder..."if i go paralized...is this really worth it?" I knew that was a very rare chance, and the thought of being like this for a whole 'nother day terrified me.... my only consolation was that at the very least this would allow my body to relax and maybe even speed the process up...
Sure enough less then 2 hours later, around 7, I hear that I'm fully dialated and can start pushing whenever I 'm ready! Yeah!!! ...Eddie and I were both very relieved, and excited to push... our only discouragement was also finding out that my mom missed her flight, thanks to traffic and snow, but at least was sure to catch the next flight in the morning, expected to arrive our time around 2pm.... well you can't have everything....
Again, long story short, I pushed for aproximately 30 minutes, and gave birth (vaginally!!!) to a beautiful, healthy baby girl, who was 7lbs, 3.3ounces, and very eager to nurse and greet the world!!!
And by 10 that night I was walking around and chatting with my lucky 5 visitors!!! thank you for coming Darci, Sandon, Chris, Sundy, and Devon!!!
As I slept peacefully Friday night, that long awaited day grew nearer than I knew... God has shown me once again that I may make plans in my heart, but He alone directs my path... and who am I to say I know better than God?
Well I would've sworn I had it all figured out... I knew the doctor's were wrong when they said my due date was March 1st... but I was wrong to think I would deliver around the 25th... See I had it all planned in my mind.... with Adora I guessed the day exactly, and I was humble enough to think my prediction was just a guess, and I may be wrong this time, but I thought if anything the baby would be born later, not sooner...
So, as the plan went, my mom was to fly in the night of the 24th this coming friday, which would at most give her a day or 2 to get aquainted with our house and my routine. Me being the mama, I have specific ways that I do everything, that even Eddie has never had quite the knack to get to know... in fact I've never had anyone watch Adora for more than a couple hours at a time, and usually only when she's napping, and even then I have a huge list of do's and don'ts... Well thankfully my mom has been the lucky sitter more than anyone, and she's one of Adora's favorites, so I knew there would be little to no problems... only that she's only had Adora at her house and has never seen ours, so I just couldn't wait for her to come, and hoped she got enough time to get familiar with her surroundings before everything started happening and me and Eddie headed off to labor land...
Well as it happened, nobody had time for anything....
Sometime around 5am saturday morning, I woke up with my usual urge to pee in the middle of the night, and before I could get out of bed the 'pee"started to escape me.... "well this is odd" thought I.... and by the time I made it to the toilet, my pants were soaked.... now with Adora, my water never really broke...or at least no one noticed when it did, so I really had nothing to compare this too... I really thought I just couldn't hold my pee for some reason... Then, when I put on new pajamas, only to have them soaked again before I made it back to bed, I started to be concerned....
Eddie, overhearing my "what in the world?"'s asked what was happening, and me, standing in puddles in the dining room, right outside our bedroom replied, "well I really have no idea"... He then, in a panic, jumps out of bed and starts the questioning, to which my reply was all the same... no idea... "are you in labor?...are you allright?...did you just pee?... should we call the doctor?... can we wait till a better time?... can i go back to sleep?..."..... Well after some time of this and then looking stuff up on line, like can your water break without any contractions, (something I thought was impossible) and a few more puddles that missed the toilet, and me near freaking out... we opted for calling the labor and delivery room, who in turn told us we need to come in right away....
Now, as an explanation of my labor plans, I will say that I really wanted, on some level, another shot at an all natural birth.... but with little help in finding a MediCal funded midwife, and the lingering fear that short easy labors were not an option for me, (Adora being 44hours, and my grandma having 4 children all over 2 day labors) I had decided to go to the UC Davis Medical Center, feeling that at the very least I would get the most proffessional of care, and hopefully understanding support.
Our tour of the hospital left us with much to be desired, and next to no other opions, having at that time, what we thought was 4 weeks left... I just didn't want to worry about it, or spend any more time on the phone looking for other options, it had already taken me over a month to get in at UCDMC, and I was fine with settling. Eddie on the other hand thought for sure I'd end up with an insufficiently explained C-section, before we knew what hit us...
Well all that to say, saturday morning was a little...frustrating...both of us wondering what we had gotten ourselves into, and me just hoping Eddie could get over his mistrust and focus on helping me through it (which he did wonderfully by the way...)
Anyway, I suddenly realized, before leaving the house, how desperately unprepared I was...this was my week to "get ready"... my mom wasn't due in for another 6 days!!! I sincerely hoped we would go to the hospital and they would send us home with the official "false alarm" stamp, but I started to panic at the thought that I might actually be having a baby this weekend... So I called my mom...poor thing... at 8 in the morning her time, on a saterday.... After the 10th try she finally got up to answr the phone and see what all the fuss was about... "uh oh" she thought, seeing my numberon the caller ID.... "hello?" Half excited half scared...
me- "uh...mom....it may not be time, but you may want to try and see if you could come a little sooner...
"her- "why whats happening?"
"well I may have just forgotten how to hold my pee, or my water may have just broke"....
Ok- so long story short we made it into the hospital, after I frantically ate breakfast, packed a bag, and grabbed some baby clothes to wash, fed my husband, woke Adora, fed her, and piled us all in the car, by around 9:30 am...all the time eddie wondering if he could just take a nap, and what it is with me and middle of the night labors?... "Well" the doctor began " your water is definately broken.... are you feeling any contractions?" me replying..." so does this mean I can't go back home for a while?...."not today...."
.....well i felt some contractions, but very mild and very far apart... so I opted for pitocin, thinking I might as well speed this allong, we're gonna be here for a while... Eddie, goes and calls my mom who prepared to catch the next flight out... arriving 10:15 that night....
I started the pitocin around noon.... it was a hectic morning finding someone willing to watch Adora for who knows how long, and eddie bringing me snacks and such... I was starving, and they of course would not let me eat....I guessed I was probably better off since I threw up non stop with Adora...
By 3 my contractions were very intense and very close together...and by 4 or so I started to lose all hope when I was told I was only at 4 centimeters... this may have been seen as progress if they hadn't told me I was at 5 cm when I had first came in...
Anyway, I lost track of time, and at some point really felt I could not make it without the epidural... I am in no way as tough as I want to be, and the contractions, as far as I could tell were at least 4 times as strong as with Adora and doing just as little work... Eddie tried to encourage me, and on this side of things I can only wonder if I could have made it, if I would have only known I only had 3 or so hours left.... who knows... what I do know is I could no longer tell the contractions apart, it just seemed to keep increasing in pain and duration, and I could feel my body starting to lose ability to relax, and was working against the pain, rather than with it, I was tensing up more and more, and becoming more and more freaked out... I finally begged for the epidural, in squeaky, pathetic, little pleas between long loud deep moans and high pitched, blood curdling screams... One thing I'm sure of is every body else in the L&D ward was sure glad to have me shut up...
Of course, the epidural seemed to take FOREVER!!! and as I was trying my hardest to sit perfectly still as they place a needle in my back during the worst pain of my life, I can't help but wonder..."if i go paralized...is this really worth it?" I knew that was a very rare chance, and the thought of being like this for a whole 'nother day terrified me.... my only consolation was that at the very least this would allow my body to relax and maybe even speed the process up...
Sure enough less then 2 hours later, around 7, I hear that I'm fully dialated and can start pushing whenever I 'm ready! Yeah!!! ...Eddie and I were both very relieved, and excited to push... our only discouragement was also finding out that my mom missed her flight, thanks to traffic and snow, but at least was sure to catch the next flight in the morning, expected to arrive our time around 2pm.... well you can't have everything....
Again, long story short, I pushed for aproximately 30 minutes, and gave birth (vaginally!!!) to a beautiful, healthy baby girl, who was 7lbs, 3.3ounces, and very eager to nurse and greet the world!!!
And by 10 that night I was walking around and chatting with my lucky 5 visitors!!! thank you for coming Darci, Sandon, Chris, Sundy, and Devon!!!
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